Who Can Use RoadTRIP?


After pavement condition data is collected utilizing automated Roadway Asset Collection (RAC) vehicles, RAS imports the pavement distress data into RoadTRIP (Technical Rating Intelligence Program). At this stage, the major data processing tasks occur such as the generation of right-of-way and pavement image streams, calculation of profile, roughness, rutting, detection of cracks, lane-markings, man-made objects, and other distresses.

The pavement distress severity levels are quantified based upon the defined collection protocols (i.e. ASTM D6433) and verified for resolution through quality control checks of image files.

RAS’ RoadTRIP software calculates industry standard condition indices such as PCI following the ASTM D6433 protocols, OCI, PQI, and other combined condition indices.

Since 2020, RoadTRIP has analyzed pavement distresses for municipal roadway networks, transportation agencies, private programs, and many others. For current pavement data collection vendors, RAS can import field data from automated or semi-automated equipment into RoadTRIP for an industry-standard pavement assessment. RoadTRIP was designed to rate and assess multiple projects simultaneously. The benefit of utilizing our RoadTRIP software is leveraging our experienced team and employing a methodology that has been tested and approved by various large municipal agencies such as: Denver, CO; Albuquerque, NM; Amarillo, TX; Columbus, OH; Cincinnati, OH; Austin, TX; Virginia Beach, VA; Charlotte, NC; Pima County, AZ; and many others.

Get in Touch with RAS for Road TRIP Services

Looking for ground breaking Pavement Rating Services that leverages the latest technology and industry expertise? Contact Roadway Asset Services (RAS) today!

At RAS, we leverage our RoadTRIP Software, to deliver automated, computer-based crack determination followed by a manual QA/QC review by trained engineers. Our unique solution offers city, county, or state agencies a comprehensive evaluation of pavement distresses.

Don't let pavement distress challenges slow you down. Connect with our team to explore how the RAS RoadTRIP software can streamline your pavement analysis and maintenance processes. Contact us today and take the first step towards smarter and more efficient pavement management.

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Pavement Management Services

High-Quality Solutions for Roadway Assets